Game of Thrones Characters in the 80′s/90′s – Part 4

28 Oberyn as Ryu

Oberyn as Ryu

29 The Mountain as Zangief

The Mountain as Zangief



30 Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin, as an 80’s stockbroker.

Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin, as an 80’s stockbroker.

27 Melisandre, sexy devil, wearing a 90s fetish leather dress

Melisandre, sexy devil, wearing a 90s fetish leather dress

26 Stannis Baratheon,deer hunter

Stannis Baratheon,deer hunter

25 Davos Seaworth as a veteran, wearing a sweatshirt of Rambo.

Davos Seaworth as a veteran, wearing a sweatshirt of Rambo.

24 Ramsay Snow, our favorite sadistic psycho.

Ramsay Snow, our favorite sadistic psycho.

23 Tormund wearing a kitsch xmas sweater and a funky ski pant.

Tormund wearing a kitsch xmas sweater and a funky ski pant.

(Source: MOSHI-KUN)

Minions Perform a Kiss Classic

Two star Minions of the hit ‘Despicable Me‘ movies can be seen singing the Kiss classic ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’ in an impressive and entertaining new fan-made video short.

The duo, decked out in full makeup as Gene Simmons‘ Demon and Paul Stanley‘s Starchild, hit the stage with tongues wagging while cranking out a rather Chipmunk-ized version of the band’s most famous anthem. But things very quickly start to go wrong for our minions.

This clip was animated by Norman Lemes for a Minion-themed CG MeetUp challenge. CG MeetUp is a place where people who are waaaaay better with computer animation than we could ever be get together to “exchange ideas, knowledge & job opportunities.”

Game of Thrones Characters in the 80′s/90′s – Part 2

This new set by designer Mike Wrobel casts Ygritte as Jon Snow’s grunge contemporary, Sandor Clegane aka The Hound as the creepy school janitor, Tywin Lannister as the Chief of Police, and Bran as the kid version of Professor X . The color theme for Robb Stark and Talisa Maegyr is perfect, and the radical White Walker in windbreaker enjoying popsicle – Summer is Coming!!

Robb Stark
Talisa Maegyr
Ygritte needs the right outfit to come along with the Grunge version of Jon Snow
Sandor Clegane (The Hound) would be perfect as the typical creepy college janitor we can find in the 80s/90s slasher movies. Everything tends to make us believe he is the murderer, but come on! he wears a Homer Simpson t-shirt
Tywin Lannister, Chief of Police
Bran Stark
White Walker wearing a very 90’s neon windbreaker and enjoying a popsicle. Summer is coming.

(Source: MOSHI-KUN)